From the 15th to the 18th of February we will be travelling to the sub-branches of the Great Southern region of Western Australia.
15th Gnowangerup Sub-Branch
16th Albany Sub-Branch
17th Denmark Sub-Branch
18th Mt Barker Sub-Branch
Together with the visits we have scheduled to the sub-branches in the region we are looking at the sub-branches that were formerly in the area and have since closed down. Information about Jerramungup, Ongerup, Tambellup, Cranbrook, Frankland River and Rocky Gully is also being sought.
What we are looking for are;
Photographs of sub-branch members, functions or commemorative services
Photographs of Hall or meeting place
Photographs of Memorials in the custody of the sub-branch
Photographs of Honour Boards and Rolls in the custody of the sub-branch
Documentation relating to the sub-branch the formation and/or operation of the sub-branch for example sub-branch charters, minutes and membership records.
We will also be conducting oral histories with those affiliated with the League focusing on the history of the sub-branch and the role of the sub-branch within the community.
We will be equipped with a video and stills camera with which to conduct video oral histories and a scanner to make digital copies of any photographs or documents relating to the sub-branch. All original material will be returned to the owner.
The Great Southern Region contains some of our oldest sub-branches in Western Australia with Albany, Denmark, Gnowangerup and Mt Barker all formed between 1916 and 1919. Most of the sub-branches operated with the support of Womens Auxiliaries of which none are currently active.
Anyone with any information about the sub-branches in the Great Southern Region can come and visit me at the sub-branches as per schedule above or contact via email at
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